Using ShareThis Reaction Buttons

Docsy's built-in user feedback feature is replaced with ShareThis reaction buttons.

Change Summary

Two changes has been made today. The first is change is a fix for C# tag 404 error, see another post for details: Hugo Tips & Tricks.

The second change is using ShareThis reaction buttons for user feedback. Explained in the next section.

ShareThis Reaction Buttons for User Feedback

  • Disabled Docsy theme's built-in user feedback feature because it is not working.
  • Added ShareThis reaction buttons as the alternative for user feedback.

See the figure below:

Disabling Docsy's User Feedback Feature

Docsy's built-in user feedback is now disabled in hugo.toml of this site:

enable = false

Because Docsy is still using the deprecated Google Analytics method which is Universal Analytics (UA).

Relevant issue: Page feedback: support Google Analytics 4

In the above issue, it mentioned that "Kubernetes docs had switched to using gtag.js in their override of layouts/partials/feedback.html already 4 years ago."

I think that's why I couldn't find the Helpful event in the Google Analytics event report:

See also: Docsy document "Analytics, User Feedback, and SEO" > Access the feedback data

Since the user feedback feature is not working, I use ShareThis reaction buttons instead.

Adding ShareThis Reaction Buttons

ShareThis provides free shareing tools for websites. I only use the reaction buttons.

To use ShareThis buttons, first register an account on and activate the code provided by For example:

<!-- ShareThis -->
<script type='text/javascript' src='' async='async'></script>

Copy the code from and paste it into /layouts/partials/hooks/head-end.html. After the change is published to the website, go back to, enter the domain name of your website and click Activate code button to verify that the code is installed successfully.

Once the code is activated, copy the code for reaction buttons from and paste it to the location where you want them to be. Below is the code of reaction buttons:

<!-- ShareThis BEGIN -->
<div class="sharethis-inline-reaction-buttons"></div>
<!-- ShareThis END -->

I've placed the above code in two files:

  • /layouts/_default/content.html - for articles.
  • /layouts/blog/content.html - for blog posts.

Below is the content of layouts/_default/content.html:

<div class="td-content">
	<h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
	{{ with .Params.description }}<div class="lead">{{ . | markdownify }}</div>{{ end }}
	<header class="article-meta">
		{{ partial "taxonomy_terms_article_wrapper.html" . -}}
		{{ if (and (not .Params.hide_readingtime) (.Site.Params.ui.readingtime.enable)) -}}
			{{ partial "reading-time.html" . -}}
		{{ end -}}
	{{ .Content }}
	<br />
	{{ partial "page-meta-lastmod.html" . }}
    <br />
	<!-- ShareThis BEGIN --><div class="sharethis-inline-reaction-buttons"></div><!-- ShareThis END -->
	{{ if (and (not .Params.hide_feedback) ( (.Site.GoogleAnalytics)) -}}
		{{ partial "feedback.html" }}
		<br />
	{{ end -}}
	{{ if (.Site.Params.DisqusShortname) -}}
		<br />
		{{- partial "disqus-comment.html" . -}}
	{{ end -}}	
{{/**/ -}}

Below is the content of /layouts/blog/content.html:

<div class="td-content">
	<h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
	{{ with .Params.description }}<div class="lead">{{ . | markdownify }}</div>{{ end }}
	<div class="td-byline mb-4">
		{{ if }}
		    {{ with }}{{ T "post_byline_by" }} <b>{{ . | markdownify }}</b> |{{ end}}
		{{ else }}	
		    {{ with $.Site.Params.default_blog_author }}{{ T "post_byline_by" }} <b>{{ . | markdownify }}</b> |{{ end}}
		{{ end }}
		<time datetime="{{  $.Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}" class="text-muted">{{ $.Date.Format $.Site.Params.time_format_blog  }}</time>
	<header class="article-meta">
		{{ partial "taxonomy_terms_article_wrapper.html" . -}}
		{{ if (and (not .Params.hide_readingtime) (.Site.Params.ui.readingtime.enable)) -}}
			{{ partial "reading-time.html" . -}}
		{{ end -}}
	{{ .Content }}	
	<hr style="margin-top: 25px;"/>
	<!-- ShareThis BEGIN --><div class="sharethis-inline-reaction-buttons"></div><!-- ShareThis END -->
	{{ if (and (not .Params.hide_feedback) ( (.Site.GoogleAnalytics)) -}}
		{{ partial "feedback.html" }}
		<br />
	{{ end -}}	
	{{ if (.Site.Params.DisqusShortname) -}}
		<br />
		{{- partial "disqus-comment.html" . -}}
		<br />
	{{ end -}}

	{{ partial "pager.html" . }}

I've also added CSS to /assets/scss/_style_project.scss for overriding the size and position of ShareThis buttons:

/* Override the size and position of ShareThis reaction buttons */
.st-btn > svg {
  height: 32px !important;
  width: 32px !important;  
#st-1 .st-btn {
  padding-left: 0px !important;
  padding-bottom: 0px !important;
  width: 60px !important;

Hopefully the Docsy issue Page feedback: support Google Analytics 4 will be fixed soon.

Keep writing!

Last modified: 2024-08-20