[Hugo] Implementing contributors

This post describes how to add contributors to each page by modifying Docsy's default content template.


The website must be created with the Docsy template. (Docsy v0.9 or later)


The objective is to add an field named contributors to the page's front matter, so that rendered pages can display multiple authors' names.

The contributors field is a string array containing author names. Refer to the example below:

--- title: This is an article contributors: ["Michael Tsai", "Batman", "Superman"] ---

The result looks like the following figure:

The following section describes how to implement this field.

Step 1: Modify the content template

Copy Docsy's default content template file content.html to your web site's /layouts/_default/ folder, then add the following code before the <header> tag.

{{- if .Params.contributors -}} {{ partial "contributors.html" . }} {{- end -}}

Here is the complete code:

<div class="td-content"> <h1>{{ .Title }}</h1> {{ with .Params.description }}<div class="lead">{{ . | markdownify }}</div>{{ end }} {{- if .Params.contributors -}} {{ partial "contributors.html" . }} {{- end -}} <header class="article-meta"> {{ partial "taxonomy_terms_article_wrapper.html" . -}} {{ if (and (not .Params.hide_readingtime) (.Site.Params.ui.readingtime.enable)) -}} {{ partial "reading-time.html" . -}} {{ end -}} </header> {{ .Content }} <br /> {{ partial "page-meta-lastmod.html" . }} <br /> {{ partial "feedback.html" . -}} <!-- Customized by Michael: Use Giscus comment system. --> {{- partial "giscus-comment.html" . -}} </div> {{/**/ -}}

The partial file contributors.html will be created in the next step.

Step 2: Add contributors.html

Create a new file: /layouts/partials/contributors.html, then add the following code to the file:

<div class="contributors"> <span>Contributors: </span> {{- range .Params.contributors -}} {{ . }}&nbsp;&nbsp; {{- end -}} </div>

The above template simply displays each contributor's name.

Step 3: Add CSS

Edit /assets/scss/_styles_project.scss and add the following CSS:

.contributors { color: var(--md-primary-fg-color); font-size: 0.9rem; margin-bottom: 12px; }


Instead of using simple text to display contributors, you might want to use a hyperlink. For example, each element of the contributors array may contains a name and an ID (say, employee ID), separated with a slash /.


--- title: This is an article contributors: ["Michael Tsai/A001", "Batman/A002"] ---

Then, the contributor.html file might look like this:

<div class="contributors"> <span>Contributors: </span> {{- range .Params.contributors -}} {{- $author := strings.Split . "/" -}} {{- $url := printf "http://mycompany.com/emp/%s" (index $author 0) -}} <a href={{ $url }} target="_blank">{{ $author 1 }}</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; {{- end -}} </div>

Final words

Note that the contributors attribute is added to the default layout, so it will not be applied to blog posts unless you modify the /layouts/blog/content.html file as well.

Last modified: 2024-08-20