A Hugo image render hook that supports width parameter

This post shows how I support image width with the URL query parameter width.

Hugo version: 0.128.2


I want to specify a image's width via the URL query string. For example:

![](images/figuer-1.png?width=650px "Figure 1")

Rendered HTML:

<img src="/path/to/images/figure-1.png" title="Figure 1" width="650">


Add a file "render-image.html" under the website's /layouts/_default/_markup/ folder. Add the following code to the file:

{{- $u := urls.Parse .Destination -}}
{{- $src := $u.String -}}
{{- if not $u.IsAbs -}}
  {{- $path := strings.TrimPrefix "./" $u.Path }}
  {{- with or (.PageInner.Resources.Get $path) (resources.Get $path) -}}
    {{- $src = .RelPermalink -}}
    {{- with $u.RawQuery -}}
      {{- $src = printf "%s?%s" $src . -}}
    {{- end -}}
    {{- with $u.Fragment -}}
      {{- $src = printf "%s#%s" $src . -}}
    {{- end -}}
  {{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{- $params := $u.Query -}}
{{- $width := default "" ($params.Get "width" | strings.TrimSuffix "px") }}

{{- $attributes := merge .Attributes
    (dict "alt" .Text "src" $src "title" (.Title | transform.HTMLEscape))
    (dict "width" $width) -}}

    {{- range $k, $v := $attributes -}}
      {{- if $v -}}
        {{- printf " %s=%q" $k $v | safeHTMLAttr -}}
      {{- end -}}
    {{- end -}}>

Job done!

The above code is modified from the Hugo embedded image render hook.

A note about Hugomods Images

I've also tried HugoMods Images module. Its image render hook supports URL query parameters such as width and height. However, it has the following catches:

  • 不認識以 "." 開頭的路徑,例如 "./images/..."。採用此寫法的圖片都會無法顯示(被 image render hook 直接略過)。
  • 雖然可以用 URL query parameter "width" 指定圖片大小,但卻是真的把圖片縮小了,使用者無法點擊圖片來查看原尺寸的圖片。
  • 生成網頁的時候,會額外產生新的圖片檔案(預設是 .webp),額外占用磁碟空間(如以下範例)。
<picture class="d-block text-center">
  <source srcset="/path/to/my-post/images/my-post_hu987...be6b0d89b30645f8.webp" type="image/webp">
  <img class="img-fluid medium-zoom-image"
       alt="" loading="lazy" height="149" width="250">

Therefore, I wouldn't recommend HugoMods Images module for technical documentation websites. It could be helpful for other types of blogs.

See also

Last modified: 2024-08-20