Hugo Blockquote Render Hook
Hugo supports blockquote render hooks since v0.132.0, which makes it easy to create beautiful alert boxes with the simple blockquote syntax. This is great because I don't need to use shortcodes for creating alert boxes anymore.
Here are supported alert types:
P.S. They can be written with lowercase.
> [!note]
> This is a note.
It's not who I'm underneath, but what I do, that defines me.
> [!tip]
> It's not who I'm underneath, but what I do, that defines me.
It's not who I'm underneath, but what I do, that defines me.
> [!important]
> It's not who I'm underneath, but what I do, that defines me.
It's not who I'm underneath, but what I do, that defines me.
> [!warning]
> It's not who I'm underneath, but what I do, that defines me.
It's not who I'm underneath, but what I do, that defines me.
> [!caution]
> It's not who I'm underneath, but what I do, that defines me.
It's not who I'm underneath, but what I do, that defines me.
> [!quote]
> It's not who I'm underneath, but what I do, that defines me.
It's not who I'm underneath, but what I do, that defines me.
File: /layouts/_default/_markup/render-blockquote-alert.html
{{- $iconMap := dict "note" "fas fa-pencil-alt fa-fw" -}}
{{- $iconMap = dict "info" "fas fa-info-circle fa-fw" | merge $iconMap -}}
{{- $iconMap = dict "tip" "fas fa-lightbulb fa-fw" | merge $iconMap -}}
{{- $iconMap = dict "question" "fas fa-question-circle fa-fw" | merge $iconMap -}}
{{- $iconMap = dict "warning" "fas fa-exclamation-triangle fa-fw" | merge $iconMap -}}
{{- $iconMap = dict "caution" "fas fa-exclamation-triangle fa-fw" | merge $iconMap -}}
{{- $iconMap = dict "important" "fa-solid fa-star fa-fw" | merge $iconMap -}}
{{- $iconMap = dict "failure" "fas fa-times-circle fa-fw" | merge $iconMap -}}
{{- $iconMap = dict "danger" "fas fa-skull-crossbones fa-fw" | merge $iconMap -}}
{{- $iconMap = dict "bug" "fas fa-bug fa-fw" | merge $iconMap -}}
{{- $iconMap = dict "example" "fas fa-list-ol fa-fw" | merge $iconMap -}}
{{- $iconMap = dict "quote" "fas fa-quote-right fa-fw" | merge $iconMap -}}
{{- $iconDetails := "fas fa-angle-right fa-fw" -}}
Modified from
2024-09-09: Michael Tsai - Removed Open/Close icon, so it's always displayed as open.
{{- $type := .AlertType | default "note" -}}
<div class="td-max-width-on-larger-screens details admonition {{ $type }}">
<div class="details-summary admonition-title">
<i class='icon {{ index $iconMap $type | default (index $iconMap "note") }}'></i>
{{ with .AlertTitle }}
{{ . }}
{{ else }}
{{ or (i18n .AlertType) (title .AlertType) }}
{{ end }}
<div class="details-content">
<div class="admonition-content">
{{ .Text | safeHTML -}}
File: /assets/scss/_admonition_variables.scss
Modified from DoIt theme:
// ========== Admonition ========== //
// Color map of the admonition
$admonition-color-map: (
'note': #448aff,
'abstract': #00b0ff,
'info': #00b8d4,
'tip': #00bfa5,
'success': #00c853,
'question': #64dd17,
'warning': #ff9100,
'failure': #ff5252,
'danger': #ff1744,
'bug': #f50057,
'example': #651fff,
'quote': #9e9e9e,
'important': #651fff,
'caution': #ff1744,
) !default;
// Color map of the admonition background
$admonition-background-color-map: (
'note': rgba(68, 138, 255, 0.1),
'abstract': rgba(0, 176, 255, 0.1),
'info': rgba(0, 184, 212, 0.1),
'tip': rgba(0, 191, 165, 0.1),
'success': rgba(0, 200, 83, 0.1),
'question': rgba(100, 221, 23, 0.1),
'warning': rgba(255, 145, 0, 0.1),
'failure': rgba(255, 82, 82, 0.1),
'danger': rgba(255, 23, 68, 0.1),
'bug': rgba(245, 0, 87, 0.1),
'example': rgba(101, 31, 255, 0.1),
'quote': rgba(159, 159, 159, 0.1),
'important': rgba(101, 31, 255, 0.1),
'caution': rgba(255, 23, 68, 0.1),
) !default;
File: /assets/scss/_admonition.scss
Modified by Michael Tsai (2024-09-09), to make it similar to MkDocs Material's admonitions.
.admonition {
position: relative;
// margin: 1rem 0;
// padding: 0 .75rem;
// background-color: map-get($admonition-background-color-map, 'note');
// border-left: .25rem solid map-get($admonition-color-map, 'note');
// overflow: auto;
background-color: map-get($admonition-background-color-map, 'note');
border: 0.05rem solid #448aff;
border-radius: 0.2rem;
box-shadow: var(--md-shadow-z2);
// color: var(--md-admonition-fg-color);
display: flow-root;
font-size: .87rem;
margin: 1.5625em 0;
padding: 0 0.8rem 0.8rem;
page-break-inside: avoid;
.admonition-title {
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0 -0.75rem;
padding: .25rem 1.8rem;
border-bottom: 1px solid map-get($admonition-background-color-map, 'note');
background-color: opacify(map-get($admonition-background-color-map, 'note'), 0.15);
&.open .admonition-title {
background-color: map-get($admonition-background-color-map, 'note');
.admonition-content {
padding: .9rem 0 0.1rem;
// 當 callout 方塊裡面有分段落時,必須調整段落的上下邊界,否則最後一行底下的留白區域會太多。
.admonition-content p {
margin-top: 0.2rem;
margin-bottom: 0rem;
padding-bottom: 0.2rem;
.admonition-content code {
background-color: inherit;
i.icon {
font-size: 0.85rem;
color: map-get($admonition-color-map, 'note');
position: absolute;
top: .6rem;
left: .4rem;
i.details-icon {
position: absolute;
top: .6rem;
right: .3rem;
@each $type, $color in $admonition-color-map {
&.#{$type} {
border-left-color: $color;
i.icon {
color: $color;
@each $type, $color in $admonition-background-color-map {
&.#{$type} {
background-color: $color;
.admonition-title {
border-bottom-color: $color;
background-color: opacify($color, 0.15);
&.open .admonition-title {
background-color: $color;
&:last-child {
margin-bottom: .75rem;
File: /i18n/en.toml
caution = 'Caution'
important = 'Important'
note = 'Note'
tip = 'Tip'
warning = 'Warning'
quote = "Quote"
bug = "Bug"
danger = "Danger"
Hugo configuration
File: /hugo.toml
block = true
- Hugo Documentation: Blockquote render hooks