
從書中摘出我特別有感的兩個段落,講的是關於保持文件的正確性(摘自第 1 章)

  • 中文書名:《高品質軟體文件》
  • 原文書名:Living Documentation
  • 作者:Cyrille Martraire
  • 譯者:楊尊一

我也有買英文版,所以有時會中英交替著看。這裡我想從書中摘出我特別有感的兩個段落,講的是關於保持文件的正確性(摘自第 1 章)。最後是一點個人感想。




Documentation that is not 100% accurate all the time cannot be trusted. As soon as you know documentation can be misleading from time to time, it loses its credibility. It might still be a bit useful, but it will take more time to find out what's right and what's wrong in it. And when it comes to creating documentation, it's hard to dedicate time to it when you know it won't be accurate for long; its lifespan is a big motivation killer.


沒有隨時保持 100% 正確的文件不可信。一旦你發現有時會被文件誤導,它便失去了可信度。它可能還有一點用處,但需要花更多時間去分辨哪些是對的、哪些是錯的。當你一開始寫文件的時候就知道無法讓它長期保持正確,便很難付出心力去寫;文件的壽命會大大削弱撰寫文件的動力。


But updating documentation is one of the most unappreciated tasks ever. It is not interesting and doesn't seem rewarding. However, you can have nice documentation if you take it seriously and decide to tackle it with a well-chosen mechanism to enforce accuracy at all times.

Therefore: You need to think about how you address the accuracy of your documentation.





持續更新文件以保持其正確性,其中的付出和成效是很難被看見的,尤其在當下或短時間內。這是身為 technical writer 必須有的體認和覺悟。如果是 part-time 寫手或 freelancer,以我個人經驗來看,由於自己擁有較大的決定權,像是要不要寫某個主題、是否需要更新文件、何時更新等等,故相對比全職寫手更自由一些。

能夠在不被看見的情況下還願意持續更新文件,就像程式設計師即使在沒有別人 review 的情況下依然堅持程式碼的品質,是需要一些信念來支撐的。

也像是寫 blog,沒人按讚還是要寫,因為寫作本身往往就是最大的回報。

Keep writing!

先這樣,也許有空時會再更新。   我的其他站點:      

Last modified: 2024-09-01