Hugo Tip & Tricks
Special Characters in Tags
A tag list page will be inaccessible if there are special characters in the tag name. For example, the following frontmatter uses "C#" as a tag name:
title: "My C# Notes"
slug: "my-csharp-notes"
tag: ["C#"]
The link for the "C#" tag will be /tags/c#
, which is inaccessible and the browser will return HTTP 404.
To solve this issue, use "csharp" as the tag name:
title: "My C# Notes"
slug: "my-csharp-notes"
tag: [csharp]
Then create a
under /content/en/tags/csharp
folder. Below is the content of the
title: "C#"
Note: The file name must be
with a leading_
will not solve this issue.
With the above setups, the Tag Cloud will display "C#" and the link will work as expected, shown as the screenshot below:
Click the C#
tag and the browser will open /tags/csharp
Escaping Shortcodes
Sometimes I need to demonstrate how to use a shortcode in my article. Simply put the shortcode example in a markdown code block won't work because the shortcode will be interpreted and executed anyway.
The solution is to add a pair of /*
and */
in both the beginning and end lines of the shortcode block. Here is an example:
It is rendered like this:
{{% admonition type=note title="This is a note" %}}
It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you.
{{% /admonition %}}
Show Recent Posts
The following code can be used to show recent 5 posts:
<h4>Recently added/updated posts</h4>
{{ $byLastMod := .Site.RegularPages.ByLastmod }}
{{ $recent := ($byLastMod | last 5).Reverse }}
{{ range $recent }}
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a>
({{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02" }})
{{ end }}
You can put them into a partial file, for example, if you're using Docsy theme, the partials/section-index.html
might be a good choice.
See also: