Tag: Docsy
[Hugo] Implementing contributors
[Hugo] Center images with URI fragment
Redoc side menu woes with Bootstrap CSS 5.x
Using ShareThis Reaction Buttons
Summary: Docsy's built-in user feedback feature is replaced with ShareThis reaction buttons.
Docsy - Click Image and Zoom-in
Summary: 記錄我對 huanlin.cc 這個網站的 Hugo 與 Docsy 主題框架做了哪些調整。
Docsy - Show The Last Modified Date
Hugo 與 Docsy 筆記
Docsy - Keep Sidebar Menu's Scroll Position
Summary: Docsy and many other Hugo themes have the same UI issue. Here is a solution.
Admonitions for My Hugo Website
Summary: How I add admonitions (callouts) to my Hugo website.
Hugo + Docsy + GitHub Pages with Custom Domain
Summary: 使用 Hugo + Docsy them 來建立靜態網站、部署至 GitHub Pages,並且使用自訂網域名稱。